The internet has opened the door to countless number of individuals that strive for financial success. There seem to be an infinite number of money making opportunities out there that try to lure you in to the dream of quick, limitless riches. Which ones really work? Which ones don't? Are they all scams? I don't really know. What I do know is that certain Internet ads/videos are more appealing to me than others and those are the ones that I will click on and investigate.
If an Internet ad does catch my eye and I decide it may be worth a look there are certain qualities it must possess for me to research that particular ad. If the ad links to a video the video must be clear with decent lighting. If it's not I'm likely not to watch it for more than 10 seconds.
The sound has to be decent. If I can't understand what the person is saying then why bother? I move on and so should you. It has to get to the point. Most people have a short attention span and want the information quickly.
When I'm surfing the web I click and I go and then I click and I go again, and again, and again. I would imagine that most people are like that unless something really grabs their attention. I won't watch a promotional video that lasts longer than 2 minutes. Sixty seconds is preferable. Just tell me what I need to know and link me to your website or whatever.
I don't like watching these vids where it's obvious the person hasn't thought about or rehearsed what they want to say. Put some effort into it! Why would I want to investigate a business opportunity that you can't even take the time to prepare for? Lastly, give the viewer something of substance. Whether you are promoting a product, a service, a website or just trying to establish trust it is important that your video has substance. This will help keep your viewer's attention and minimize how quickly they shut you off! You have endless choices for business opportunities when surfing the web. You can afford to be choosy and you should be.
The good opportunities will stand out from the others. The manner is which online videos are presented can speak volumes about the person making them and perhaps how that person approaches the business they are promoting. Granted, the majority of us are not using high priced video equipment or editing software but there are some simple, basic components that need your attention that will help produce a satisfactory video or online marketing.
Peter Harris is an avid internet marketer commited to the development of the financial future of all those willing to work for it.